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Questions for discussion

These questions were put together by the speakers and members of the Organising Group for discussion in small groups at the 2008 conference.
  • How do you deal with the secular/sacred divide in your studies/work/life ?
  • How can you use imagination in your research?
  • What are the barriers to integrating intellectual virtues in your discipline?
  • How can you find meaning in your data? (Or data in your meaning?)
  • How can we be counter-cultural in our research/study/work?

Before you tackle the questions yourself, you should listen to the talks:

Stefan Lindholm: The importance of intellectual virtues

Andrew Fellows: Integrating the mind and the imagination

A further question was posed by Andrew - could we write a 'manifesto' for Christians involved in academia? Such a manifesto might draw on the Vision Statement for these conferences, but would need to include other material, guidance for living amongst the many pressures of academic life. To discuss this, visit the facebook group for Christian postgrads and postdocs.